Michael S. Ford

Certified Health Physicist, 38 yrs in Nuclear Industry

As others may have experienced in their lives, I reached an epiphany after spending over 38 years in the nuclear industry as a Certified Health Physicist, engineer, manager, leader, and owner/executive.

It has been a profession & career that I have loved because it has focused on helping people in all aspects of working life, especially working safely in environments and with materials that can be inherently unsafe.

My career in the nuclear industry has provided me a vast array of experiences and challenges, successes and failures, for which I am profoundly grateful.

I have had the honor of serving two Texas Governors for a total of 14 years as an appointed state official. That executive service blessed me with experiences with people from all walks of life and views on the world. From one political perspective to another, from federal, state, and local leaders and elected officials, to Mom and Pop down the street, I have been blessed to serve the people of my state and my profession.

I have also been blessed to serve in capacities to support and serve the residents of my community through charitable organizations, professional organizations, boards of directors, and youth organizations.

Through those blessings, experiences, and challenges, I have come to realize a broader purpose to my life and endeavors: "Help Others Be Successful at Work and in Life" in whatever capacity that may materialize.

Whether it involves helping you solve technically complex business challenges or helping you solve far more complex "people challenges" (generally at the root of core business challenges), I am committed to your success.

I look forward to meeting that next great challenge with you.

Our History of Service

HealthPhysics.com* has been in business since 2011 and brings to bear nearly 60 years of collective experience in the nuclear industry. We have successfully served both government and commercial clients.

Our corporate experience for these services extends to the following settings:

• Commercial Enterprises engaged in Nuclear or Radiological Work

• Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Agency Facilities & Operations

• Department of Homeland Security

• Department of Justice

• Department of Defense

• Nuclear Utilities

• Nuclear Research Facilities

• Radioactive Waste Treatment & Management Facilities (High & Low Level)

• Environmental Remediation Projects

• Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Industry

*HealthPhysics.com operates as a DBA of Ford ES&H Solutions, L.L.C.